LD 473
Session - 126th Maine Legislature
LR 964
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Resolve, To Widen the Shoulders of Highways

Sec. 1. Department of Transportation; roadside brush-control program. Resolved: That the Department of Transportation, referred to in this resolve as "the department," shall review and evaluate the roadside brush-control program within the department. The department shall increase the safety clear zone along highways under the jurisdiction of the department to at least 12 feet to increase visibility of wildlife along the roadside; improve sight distance at curves, hills and road and driveway entrances; increase the amount of sunlight reaching the road surface; improve drainage; and create a safer exit area in the event of lane departures or accidents. The department shall give priority to areas where accidents have occurred; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That, by February 1, 2014, the department shall provide a report on the roadside brush-control program and the directive under this resolve to the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation. The Joint Standing Committee on Transportation may submit a bill to the Second Regular Session of the 126th Legislature relating to the subject matter of the report.


This resolve directs the Department of Transportation to review and evaluate the roadside brush-control program within the department. The resolve directs the department to increase the safety clear zone along highways under the jurisdiction of the department to at least 12 feet. The resolve directs the department to give priority to areas where accidents have occurred. The resolve also directs the department to submit a report on the roadside brush-control program to the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation no later than February 1, 2014. The resolve gives the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation authority to submit a bill during the Second Regular Session of the 126th Legislature relating to the subject matter of the report.

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