LD 22 LR 400(01)
An Act To Promote Equity in Business Opportunity for Tobacco Specialty Stores
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement for Original Bill
Sponsor: Sen. Hamper of Oxford
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement
Potential current biennium revenue increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Minor cost increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Minor savings - General Fund
Minor revenue decrease - General Fund
Correctional and Judicial Impact Statements
Decreases the number of civil violations
A reduction in fines will decrease General Fund revenue by minor amounts.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill will increase Other Special Revenue Funds revenue from eating place license fees.  The amount of these revenues will depend on the number and size of the current tobacco specialty stores that apply for eating place licenses.  If 10 of the current 59 such stores apply for 0-29 seat eating place licenses, an estimated $1,500 in license fee revenue would be generated.  Additional costs to the Department of Health and Human Services are expected to be minor.