LD 3
pg. 10
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LR 163
Item 1

All buoys used to mark the water-skiing course must prominently
display the permit number. Buoys marking a course may be placed
no earlier than April 1st and must be removed no later than
November 1st of each year. The number of buoys for any water-
skiing course may not exceed 40. Buoys that are part of a
permitted course are granted the same legal protection from
vandalism as navigational buoys under Title 38, section 329 1899-

Water-skiing tow boats utilizing the course may not travel within
100 feet of the shore at any time. The commissioner, after
giving a 10-day advance notice to an applicant, may suspend the
use of the water-skiing course for up to 3 days for other
permitted events, such as bass tournaments.

A course permitted under this subsection may be used for practice
without a permit under section 7797. That use does not violate
the provisions of section 7801, subsection 4. A permit under
section 7797 is required for any water-skiing exhibition or
tournament conducted at a course permitted under this subsection.
The provisions of section 7801, subsection 5 do not apply to a
course permitted under this subsection unless that course is also
permitted under section 7797.

The commissioner may suspend or revoke a permit issued under this
subsection if the commissioner determines that the presence of
the course creates a safety concern or constitutes a nuisance.

The annual fee for a permit issued under this subsection is $25.

This subsection is repealed March 31, 1999.

Sec. 32. 12 MRSA §7825-B, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 739, §7, is
reallocated to 12 MRSA §7825-C.

Sec. 33. 12 MRSA §7827, sub-§26, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 739, §8, is
reallocated to 12 MRSA §7827, sub-§27.

Sec. 34. 12 MRSA §7901, sub-§17, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 739, §9, is
reallocated to 12 MRSA §7901, sub-§18.

Sec. 35. 15 MRSA §3203-A, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1997, c. 645, §8
and c. 752, §9, is repealed and the following enacted in its

5.__Detention hearing.__Upon petition by a juvenile caseworker
who ordered the detention or an attorney for the State who
ordered the detention, the Juvenile Court shall review the
decision to detain a juvenile within 48 hours following the
detention, excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays.

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