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LR 163
Item 1

creditor that is not also imposed on an insurance agent or broker
who is affiliated with the lender or creditor. "Affiliate" has the
same meaning as set forth in section 1514-A 1443-A, subsection 1,
paragraph A with respect to financial institutions and credit
unions and in Title 9-A, section 4-403, with respect to supervised

Sec. 43. 24-A MRSA §2168-B, last ¶, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 315, §25,
is amended to read:

"Affiliate" has the same meaning as set forth in section 1514-
A 1443-A, subsection 1, paragraph A with respect to financial
institutions and credit unions and in Title 9-A, section 4-403
with respect to supervised lenders.

Sec. 44. 24-A MRSA §2169, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 315, §26,
is further amended to read:

The creditor or lender at the time of application for the loan
or at the outset of negotiations regarding the loan or sale shall
inform the purchaser or borrower of that person's right of free
choice in the selection of the agent and insurer through or by
which the insurance in connection with the loan is to be placed,
including the right to choose an agent or broker whether or not
that agent or broker is affiliated with a creditor or lender.
For purposes of this section, "affiliated" has the same meaning
as set forth in section 1514-A 1443-A, subsection 1, paragraph A,
with respect to financial institutions and credit unions or in
Title 9-A, section 1-403 4-403 with respect to supervised
lenders. In conjunction with this notice, a creditor or lender
shall inform its purchasers or borrowers that obtaining insurance
products from a particular agent or broker does not affect credit
decisions by the creditor or lender regarding the purchaser or
borrower, unless the insurance product selected violates the
terms of the extension of credit regarding adequacy of coverage
or is otherwise not approved under section 2168, subsection 2.
Another person may not interfere either directly or indirectly
with the borrower's, debtor's or purchaser's free choice of an
agent and of an insurer that complies with the requirements set
out in section 2168 and the creditor or lender may not refuse an
adequate policy so tendered by the borrower, debtor or purchaser.
A creditor or lender may not reject an insurance product selected
by a purchaser or borrower because the product was not obtained
from or through an insurance agent or broker affiliated with the
institution. For purposes of this section, the term "policy"
includes, but is not limited to, any temporary contract or
binder, by whatever name known, under the terms of which
insurance coverage commences at a specified time, and continues
until a finished policy is issued or the risk is declined and
coverage is terminated. Upon notice of any refusal

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