LD 42
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Examine the Rate S... Page 3 of 4
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LR 388
Item 1

C. Reimbursing for all aspects of direct care for
residents, including medical supplies, in one cost category
so that they may be adjusted by case mix;

D. Reviewing the most recent information from time studies
being used for the Medicare prospective payment system and
making a determination whether the time study presently in
use reflects nursing costs in the State's facilities and is
appropriate for use; and

E. Studying employment markets, labor costs and turnover
rates at facilities around the State and, for those
facilities that are at or above direct care limits,
developing methods for providing increased reimbursement.

This study must be conducted in conjunction with the Department
of Labor and must build upon the work already done by that
department and by the Maine Health Care Association;

2. Rebasing reimbursement rates. Rebasing reimbursement
rates from 1993 to 1996 or the most recent complete audited year
and adopting new medians and new cost caps in order to keep up
with the higher costs faced by facilities due to inflation,
increased paperwork requirements and higher resident need for
care. In doing so the department shall consider the following

A. Rebasing costs with an emphasis on those most directly
affecting high-quality resident care; and

B. Rebasing cost components on a rolling schedule whether
periodically or when a stated event occurs, such as when 50%
of the facilities are over the cap;

3. Tying caps to types of facilities. Tying caps applicable
to the different cost components to the size of the facility,
thus placing higher caps on the smaller facilities, which are
often in rural areas, in recognition of the higher costs faced by
those facilities and the importance of maintaining access to
nursing facility care in rural areas; and

4. Removing certain reimbursement incentives. Removing any
reimbursement incentives that have unintended adverse impacts on
resident care.

Sec. 3. Minimum staffing requirements. The Department of Human Services
shall replace its current minimum staffing ratios with minimum
staffing requirements that are tied to the care needs of
residents and to the other needs of residents that affect the
quality of their lives and that ensure that adequate numbers of
direct care staff are available at all times to meet

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