LD 50
pg. 44
Page 43 of 50 An Act to Make Additional Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures o... Page 45 of 50
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LR 2923
Item 1

All Other (5,134)

Provides funds for an approved


TOTAL (78,892)




Sec. D-1. 5 MRSA §1513, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 643, Pt. E,
§1, is further amended to read:

1. Maine Rainy Day Fund. The State Controller shall at the
close of each fiscal year transfer from the unappropriated
surplus of the General Fund to the Maine Rainy Day Fund 1/2 the
excess of total General Fund revenues received over accepted
estimates in that fiscal year. Accepted revenue estimate may not
be increased after adjournment of each First Regular Session of
the Legislature except as provided. For the first year of the
biennium, revenue estimates for the 2nd year of the biennium may
be adjusted once during the Second Regular Session of the
Legislature. Accepted revenue estimates may be increased for
other fiscal periods only if an amount not to exceed 1/2 of the
increase is transferred by the State Controller to the Rainy Day
Fund at the same time from the unappropriated surplus of the
General Fund. The fund may not exceed 5% 6% of the total General
Fund revenues received in the immediately preceding fiscal year
and may not lapse, but remain in a continuing carrying account to
carry out the purposes of this section. A reduction in the fund
is not necessary in the event the total General Fund revenues
received in the immediately preceding fiscal year are less than
the total General Fund revenues received in the fiscal year 2
years previous and if the fund is at its 5% 6% limit. On July 1,
1999, the State Controller shall transfer to the Maine Rainy Day
Fund the balance of funds reserved in the General Fund as a
result of the transfers provided for in Title 36, section 1811,
3rd paragraph.

Sec. D-2. 5 MRSA §1513, sub-§1-J, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 643, Pt.
E, §2, is amended to read:

1-J. Transfer from Maine Rainy Day Fund; Retirement - Federal
Recovery Program. Notwithstanding subsection 2 and section 1585,
an amount not to exceed $3,200,000 $6,350,000 in

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