LD 67
pg. 1
LD 67 Title Page An Act to Require That Municipal Map and Lot Numbers Be on Deeds prior to Recor... LD 67 Title Page
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LR 254
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 33 MRSA §201, first ¶ is amended to read:

No conveyance of an estate in fee simple, fee tail or for
life, or lease for more than 2 years or for an indefinite term is
effectual against any person except the grantor, his the
grantor's heirs and devisees, and persons having actual notice
thereof unless the deed or lease is acknowledged and recorded in
the registry of deeds within the county where the land lies, and
if the land is in 2 or more counties then the deed or lease shall
must be recorded in the registry of deeds of each of such
counties, and in counties where there are 2 or more registry
districts then the deed or lease shall must be recorded in the
district legal for such record. The municipal map number and lot
number must be noted on the deed or lease prior to recording.
Conveyances of the right, title or interest of the grantor, if
duly recorded, shall be are as effectual against prior unrecorded
conveyances, as if they purported to convey an actual title. All
recorded deeds, leases or other written instruments regarding
real estate take precedence over unrecorded attachments and


This bill requires that the municipal map number and lot
number be noted on a deed prior to recording the deed.

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