LD 72
pg. 1
LD 72 Title Page An Act to Require Small Claims to be Brought in the County where the Transactio... LD 72 Title Page
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LR 874
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §7483, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 667, §2, is
amended to read:

§7483. Venue

A small claim shall must be brought in the a division of the
District Court in the county where the transaction occurred,
where the defendant resides, where the defendant has a place of
business or, if the defendant is a corporation or partnership,
where its registered agent resides.


This bill requires a civil action under the small claims laws
to be brought in a division of the District Court in the county
where the transaction occurred. Current law permits a small
claim to be brought in the division of the District Court where
the transaction occurred or where the defendant resides or has a
place of business or where its registered corporate or
partnership agent resides. The bill then expands the permissible
District Court venue for small claims to the entire county where
the transaction occurred and eliminates other venue options.

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