LD 103
pg. 1
LD 103 Title Page An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Poverty Amon... LD 103 Title Page
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LR 1227
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §5219-Q is enacted to read:

§5219-Q.__Earned income tax credit

The following taxpayers are eligible for a refundable credit
against the tax otherwise due under this Part.

1.__Income below 100% of the federal poverty level.__A
taxpayer with at least one dependent child and with income below
100% of the federal poverty level who qualifies for the federal
earned income tax credit qualifies for a state earned income tax
credit of 20% of the federal credit.

2.__Income from 100% to less than 133% of the federal poverty
level.__A taxpayer with at least one dependent child and with
income from 100% to less than 133% of the federal poverty level
who qualifies for the federal earned income tax credit qualifies
for a state earned income tax credit of 15% of the federal earned

3.__Income from 133% to less than 185% of the federal poverty
level.__A taxpayer with at least one dependent child and with
income from 133% to less than 185% of the federal poverty level
who qualifies for the federal earned income tax credit qualifies
for a state earned income tax credit of 10% of the federal

Sec. 2. Application. This Act applies to tax years beginning on or
after January 1, 1999.


This bill establishes a Maine earned income tax credit for
low-income families. The credit is 20% of the federal earned
income tax credit for families below 100% of the federal poverty
level, 15% for families whose income is from 100% to below 133%
of the federal poverty level and 10% for families whose income is
from 133% to below 185% of the federal poverty level.

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