LD 108
pg. 1
LD 108 Title Page An Act to Protect Enrollees of Managed Care Plans Page 2 of 2
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LR 15
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §4301, sub-§§2-A, 4-A and 4-B are enacted to read:

2-A.__Health care treatment decision.__"Health care treatment
decision" means a determination made when medical services are
provided by the managed care plan or a decision that affects the
quality of the diagnosis, care or treatment provided to an
enrollee of the managed care plan.

4-A.__Medically appropriate care.__"Medically appropriate
care" means care that meets the standards of care for health care
services as determined by health care providers in accordance
with the prevailing practices and standards of the medical
profession and community.

4-B.__Ordinary care.__"Ordinary care" means, in the case of a
carrier, the degree of care that a carrier of ordinary prudence
would use under the same or similar circumstances.__For a person
who is an employee, agent, ostensible agent or representative of
a carrier, "ordinary care" means the degree of care that a person
of ordinary prudence in the same profession, specialty or area of
practice would use in the same or similar circumstances.

Sec. 2. 24-A MRSA §4310 is enacted to read:

§4310.__Duty of care

1.__Carrier duty; liability.__A carrier has the duty to
exercise ordinary care when making health care treatment
decisions and is liable for damages for harm to an enrollee
proximately caused by the failure of the carrier to exercise
ordinary care.

2.__Carrier liability for others.__A carrier is liable for
damages for harm to an enrollee proximately caused by the health
care treatment decisions made by any of its:



C.__Ostensible agents; or

D.__Representatives who are acting on behalf of the carrier
and over whom the carrier has the right to exercise
influence or control or has actually exercised influence or
control when that influence or control results in the
failure to exercise ordinary care.

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