LD 112
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LD 112 Title Page Resolve, to Study Current Regulations Imposed on Small Businesses to Require Gr... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Sec. 1. Task force established. Resolved: That the Task Force to Study
the Effect of Government Regulation on Small Businesses, referred
to in this resolve as the "task force," is established. For the
purposes of this task force, "small businesses" means those
businesses employing 15 or fewer employees; and be it further

Sec. 2. Task force membership. Resolved: That the task force consists of
9 members. The President of the Senate shall appoint 4 members,
to include one Senator, one member representing the private
sector, one member representing a business employing fewer than
15 people and one member from the Joint Standing Committee on
Business and Economic Development. The Speaker of the House
shall appoint 4 members, to include one member of the House of
Representatives, one member representing the public sector, one
member representing a business employing fewer than 15 people and
one member from the Joint Standing Committee on Business and
Economic Development. The Commissioner of Economic and Community
Development or the commissioner's designee must be a member of
the task force; and be it further

Sec. 3. Appointments; meetings. Resolved: That all appointments must be
made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this
resolve. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council once the selections have been
made. Within 15 days after appointment of all members, the Chair
of the Legislative Council shall call and convene the first
meeting of the task force. The task force shall select a chair
from among its legislative members; and be it further

Sec. 4. Duties. Resolved: That the task force shall study the effect
of government regulation on small businesses throughout the State
by examining at a minimum the following: the current scope of
regulatory and licensing structures that may impact small
business; the paperwork involved in starting and maintaining a
small business; and possible scenarios developed in conjunction
with the Department of Economic and Community Development that
would help streamline the paperwork process for small businesses;
and be it further

Sec. 5. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the task force may request
staffing assistance from the Legislative Council; and be it

Sec. 6. Expenses. Resolved: That the legislative members of the task
force receive legislative per diem, as defined in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 2, for each day's attendance
at task force hearings and other members of the task force are
entitled to receive compensation or reimbursement for

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