LD 119
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Page 2 of 3 An Act to Make Maine Medicare Supplement Insurance Laws Consistent with Federal... LD 119 Title Page
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LR 1014
Item 1

supplement policy and the insured had continuous coverage
beginning in the insured's open enrollment period with no gap
in coverage in excess of 90 days.__For purposes of this
section, any Medicare supplement policy that covered the
person before the prior policy is an "earlier policy."

2.__Prohibition against discontinuity.__The insurer shall, for
any person described in subsection 1, waive any medical
underwriting or preexisting conditions exclusion to the extent
that benefits would have been payable under the prior policy and
any earlier policy if those policies were still in effect.__This
subsection does not require the succeeding insurer to pay any
benefits that are not within the terms of coverage of the
succeeding policy solely because they would have been paid by the
prior policy.

3.__Determination of benefits.__When a determination of
benefits under the prior policy is required, the issuer of the
prior policy shall, at the request of the issuer of the
succeeding policy, furnish a statement of benefits available or
pertinent information sufficient to permit verification of the
benefit determination or the determination itself by the issuer
of the succeeding policy.__For purposes of this section, benefits
of the prior policy are determined in accordance with the
definitions, conditions and covered expense provisions of that
policy rather than those of the succeeding policy.__The benefit
determination must be made as if coverage had not been replaced.

Sec. 5. 24-A MRSA §5015, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 370, Pt. D, §1,
is repealed.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect April 28, 1999.


This bill amends the laws governing Medicare supplement
insurance policies in order to conform to requirements in federal
law. It makes the continuity of coverage chapter of the
insurance code inapplicable to Medicare supplement policies and
enacts an analogous continuity of coverage section in the
Medicare supplement chapter. It repeals the law allowing a
person who switches from a Medicare supplement to a Medicare
managed care program to switch back within a 12-month period. It
has an effective date of April 28, 1999.

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