LD 150
pg. 1
LD 150 Title Page An Act to Require a Review of Contracts between Long-term Care Facilities and C... LD 150 Title Page
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LR 238
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §1812-I is enacted to read:

§1812-I.__Consulting pharmacist agreements

The department shall require each nursing home to submit a
copy of its contract or other agreement with a consulting
pharmacist entered into in compliance with the requirements of 42
Code of Federal Regulations, Section 483.60.__When reviewing the
license of a nursing home, the department shall review the
contract or other agreement to ensure that the arrangement
between the nursing home and the pharmacist does not violate
state or federal law, including 42 United States Code, Section
1320a-7b (b).


This bill requires a nursing home to submit a copy of its
agreement with a consulting pharmacist and requires the
Department of Human Services to review the agreement to ensure
that the agreement does not violate state or federal law.

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