LD 166
pg. 1
LD 166 Title Page An Act to Amend the Public Property Tax Exemption LD 166 Title Page
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LR 1405
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §651, sub-§1, ķE is amended to read:

E. The pipes, fixtures, hydrants, conduits, gatehouses,
pumping stations, reservoirs and dams, used only for
reservoir purposes, of public municipal corporations engaged
in supplying water, power or light, if located outside of
the limits of such public municipal corporation. This
paragraph may not be construed to include water treatment
plants, water filtration plants, water ozonization plants or
any necessary fixtures, appurtenances or personal property
of such plants.


This bill excludes water treatment plants, water filtration
plants, water ozonization plants and the fixtures and property of
those plants from public property that is exempt from taxation,
thus subjecting those plants to taxation.

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