LD 181
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LD 181 Title Page An Act Providing for Post-adoption Contact in Limited Situations Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 18-A MRSA Art. IX, Part 5 is enacted to read:



§9-501.__Application; jurisdiction

(a)__This Part applies to the adoption or proposed adoption of
a child who is or was the subject of a jeopardy petition and
termination proceedings under Title 22, chapter 1071, who is in
the custody of the department and whose birth parent or parents
consent to the termination of parental rights under Title 22,
section 4055, subsection 1, paragraph B, subparagraph (1).

(b)__Notwithstanding section 9-104, the District Court having
jurisdiction over a child who is or was the subject of a jeopardy
petition and termination proceedings under Title 22, chapter 1071
continues to have jurisdiction over the adoption of that child
and any communication or contact agreement under this Part.

§9-502.__Communication or contact agreement; authorized; approval

The prospective adoptive parent or parents and the birth
parent or parents of a prospective adoptee may enter into an
agreement regarding communication or contact after the adoption
if the prospective adoptee is in the custody of the department.__
The agreement is not enforceable unless approved pursuant to
section 9-503 by the court.

§9-503.__Guardian ad litem; appointment; order approving

agreement; considerations

(a)__Before approving an agreement under section 9-502, if the
prospective adoptee is not already represented by a guardian ad
litem, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem who shall
represent the best interests of the prospective adoptee
concerning the agreement.

(b)__Upon motion of one of the prospective adoptee's birth
parents or a prospective adoptive parent, the court may enter an
order approving the agreement if the terms of the agreement are
approved in writing by the prospective adoptive parent or parents
and the birth parent or parents and if the court finds, after
consideration of the recommendations of the guardian ad litem and
the department and other factors, that such communication with

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