LD 181
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act Providing for Post-adoption Contact in Limited Situations LD 181 Title Page
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LR 279
Item 1

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §4056, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 733, §18, is
amended to read:

3. Parent not entitled to participate in adoption
proceedings. A Except as provided in Title 18-A, section 9-503, a
parent whose rights have been terminated shall is not be entitled
to notice of the child's adoption proceedings, nor shall he and
does not have any right to object to the adoption or participate
in the proceedings.


This bill is modeled on the Nebraska law providing for
continued contact between an adoptee and the adoptee's birth
parents pursuant to an agreement entered into by the birth
parents and the adoptive parents.

This bill creates the opportunity for parents of a child who
is the subject of a child protective action to consent to the
termination of their rights but continue to have contact with the
child. The contact must be in accordance with an agreement
entered into between the birth parents and the adoptive parents.
The agreement is not enforceable unless the District Court that
has jurisdiction over the child protective proceeding approves
the agreement.

Failure to comply with the agreement does not affect the
validity of the adoption. The order may be modified if the
parties agree or if the court determines that exceptional
circumstances have arisen since the order was entered that
justify modification of the order.

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