LD 207
pg. 2
Page 1 of 6 An Act to Clarify the Confidentiality of Health Care Information Page 3 of 6
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LR 1608
Item 1

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §19203, last ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 793, Pt. B,
§3 and affected by §6, is further amended to read:

Nothing in this section may be construed as prohibiting the
entry of an HIV test result on the patient's medical record in
accordance with this chapter.

Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §19203-D, as repealed by PL 1997, c. 793, Pt. B, §4
and affected by §6, is reenacted to read:

§19203-D. Records

When a medical record entry is made concerning information of
a person's HIV infection status, including the results of an HIV
test, the following apply to the release of that information as a
part of the medical record.

1.__Authorized release.__The person who is the subject of an
HIV test, at or near the time the entry is made in the medical
record, shall elect, in writing, whether to authorize the release
of that portion of the medical record containing the HIV
infection status information when that person's medical record
has been requested.__A new election may be made when a change in
the person's HIV infection status occurs or whenever the person
makes a new election.__The release form must clearly state
whether or not the person has authorized the release of that
information.__The person must be advised of the potential
implications of authorizing the release of that information.

A.__When release has been authorized, the custodian of the
medical record may release, upon request, the person's
medical record, including any HIV infection status
information contained in the medical record.__Release of HIV
infection status information pursuant to this paragraph is
not a violation of any of the confidentiality provisions of
this chapter.

B.__When release has not been authorized, the custodian of
the medical record may, upon request, release that portion
of the medical record that does not contain the HIV
infection status information.__Except as otherwise provided
in this section, HIV infection status information may be
released only if the person has specifically authorized a
separate release of that information.__A general release
form is insufficient.

2.__Authorized disclosure.__A medical record containing
results of an HIV test may not be disclosed, discoverable or
compelled to be produced in any civil, criminal, administrative

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