LD 211
pg. 1
LD 211 Title Page An Act to Criminalize the Negligent or Purposeful Transmission of HIV LD 211 Title Page
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LR 476
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §213 is enacted to read:

§213.__Transmission of HIV

1.__A person is guilty of the crime of transmission of HIV if
the person knows or has reason to believe that the person is
infected with HIV and the person intentionally, knowingly,
recklessly or with criminal negligence transmits HIV to another

2.__Transmission of HIV is a Class A crime.

3.__HIV has the same meaning as set forth in Title 5, section
19201, subsection 3.


This bill makes the transmission of HIV a crime. A person who
knows or has reason to believe that the person is infected with
HIV commits a Class A crime if that person transmits HIV to
another person intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with
criminal negligence.

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