LD 212
pg. 1
LD 212 Title Page An Act to Increase the Property Tax Exemptions for a Parsonage LD 212 Title Page
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LR 479
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §652, sub-§1, ¶G, as amended by PL 1971, c. 111, is
further amended to read:

G. Houses of religious worship, including vestries, and the
pews and furniture within the same; tombs and rights of
burial; and property owned and used by a religious society
as a parsonage to the value of $20,000 $100,000, and
personal property not exceeding $6,000 $50,000 in value, but
so much of any parsonage as is rented is liable to taxation.
For purposes of the tax exemption provided by this paragraph
a parsonage shall mean means the principal residence
provided by a religious society for its clergyman member of
the clergy whether or not located within the same
municipality or place as the house of religious worship
where the clergyman member of the clergy regularly conducts
religious services.


This bill increases the limit for property tax exemptions for
a parsonage from $20,000 of value to $100,000 of value of the
real property and the limit for personal property tax exemptions
for a parsonage from $6,000 of value to $50,000 of value of the
personal property.

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