LD 231
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Page 2 of 7 An Act to Initiate Covenant Marriage in the State Page 4 of 7
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pamphlet written by the Office of the Attorney General
entitled "Covenant Marriage Act," which provides a full
explanation of the terms and conditions of a covenant
marriage; and

(3)__The signatures of both parties witnessed by a
notary.__If one or both of the parties are minors, the
written consent or authorization of those persons
required under section 652 to consent to or authorize
the marriage of minors.

2.__Contents of declaration of intent.__The declaration of
intent must contain 2 separate documents, the recitation and the
affidavit, including the attestation within the affidavit or
attached to the affidavit.__The parties shall prepare the
recitation in duplicate originals, one of which the parties shall
retain and the other, together with the affidavit and
attestation, the parties shall file as provided in section 671,
subsection 2.

§673.__Covenant marriage; applicability to already married

1.__Already married couples.__On or after January 1, 2000, a
married couple may execute a declaration of intent to designate
their marriage as a covenant marriage to be governed by this

2.__Filing with clerk of municipality.__The declaration of
intent in the form and containing the contents required by
subsection 3 must be presented to the clerk of the municipality
who issued the couple's marriage license and with whom the
couple's marriage certificate is filed.__For a couple whose
marriage was solemnized outside this State, a copy of the
marriage certificate, with the declaration of intent attached,
must be filed with the clerk of the municipality in which the
couple is domiciled.__The clerk shall make a notation of the
declaration of intent of a covenant marriage on the marriage
certificate and attach a copy of the declaration to the

Within 15 days of receiving a declaration of intent as provided
in subsection 3, the municipal clerk shall forward to the State
Registrar of Vital Statistics the declaration of intent of a
covenant marriage filed pursuant to this section.

3.__Declaration of intent.__A declaration of intent to
designate a marriage as a covenant marriage must contain the

A.__A recitation by the parties to the following effect:

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