LD 265
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Provide for License Plates in Support of Domestic Violence Prevention... LD 265 Title Page
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LR 1253
Item 1

4.__Renewal fee.__In addition to the regular motor vehicle
registration fee prescribed by law, the annual renewal
contribution for domestic violence prevention registration plates
is $15, which must be deposited with the Treasurer of State and
credited as follows:

A.__Fourteen dollars to the Domestic Violence Prevention
Fund established in Title 22, section 5327-A; and

B.__One dollar to the Highway Fund to reimburse the
Secretary of State for costs associated with the production
and issuance of the plates.


This act establishes the Domestic Violence Prevention Fund and
the domestic violence prevention registration plate, under which
$14 of the registration fee is dedicated to domestic violence
prevention programs.

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