LD 272
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 Resolve, Establishing a Commission to Study High-speed Chases LD 272 Title Page
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LR 358
Item 1

Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice may submit legislation
in the Second Regular Session of the 119th Legislature to implement
the recommendations of the commission.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.


The resolve establishes the Commission to Study High-speed
Chases. The commission consists of 11 members, 2 of whom are
Legislators, 2 of whom are members of the public and 7 of whom
are law enforcement officials.

The duties of the commission include studying current law
enforcement policies governing the use of high-speed chases, the
history of high-speed chases in Maine and other states' use of
high-speed chases. Using this information, the commission shall
report its findings to the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal
Justice by December 1, 1999. The Joint Standing Committee on
Criminal Justice may submit legislation in the Second Regular
Session of the 119th Legislature to implement the commission's

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