LD 280
pg. 1
LD 280 Title Page An Act to Make it an Unfair Claims Practice for Insurers Who Fail to Deal in Go... LD 280 Title Page
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LR 1106
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §2164-D, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 634, Pt.
A, §1, is amended to read:

5. Resolution of claims. It is an unfair claims practice for
any domestic, foreign or alien insurer transacting business in
this State to fail to deal with insureds and claimants in good
faith to resolve claims made against policies of insureds without
just cause and with such frequency as to indicate a general
business practice.


This bill makes it an unfair claims practice for an insurer to
fail to deal in good faith with a claimant when resolving a claim
made against a policy of the company's insured.

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