LD 283
pg. 1
LD 283 Title Page An Act to Protect Municipalities from Property Tax Loss when Land is Acquired b... LD 283 Title Page
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LR 667
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §662 is enacted to read:

§662.__Reimbursement for land acquired by the State after

October 1, 1999

1.__Reimbursement.__The Treasurer of State shall reimburse
each municipality for the property tax revenue loss to the
municipality resulting from the acquisition of land or interests
in land acquired by the State after October 1, 1999.

2.__Filing claim.__If a municipality suffers property tax
revenue loss for which it is entitled to reimbursement under
subsection 1, it may file a claim for reimbursement in the same
manner as provided under section 661.__If the municipality is
entitled to reimbursement under both this section and section
661, the State Tax Assessor shall calculate reimbursement by
combining the valuations of property eligible for reimbursement
under this section with the value of property eligible under
section 661.

3.__Unorganized territory.__The unorganized territory is
entitled to reimbursement under this section in the same manner
as a municipality.__The amount of reimbursement due must be paid
into the Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund
established in chapter 115.


This bill requires the State to reimburse municipalities and
the unorganized territory for property tax revenue lost as a
result of the State acquiring land after October 1, 1999.

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