LD 287
pg. 1
LD 287 Title Page An Act to Impose Stricter OUI Penalties on Operators of Watercraft, ATVs and Sn... Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7901, sub-§13, ¶¶A, B, C and D, as amended by PL 1995, c.
679, §12, are further amended to read:

A. Except as provided in paragraph B, in the case of a
person having no previous convictions of a violation of
section 7406, subsection 3; section 7801, subsection 9;
section 7827, subsection 9; or section 7857, subsection 10
and having no previous adjudications of failure to comply
with the duty to submit to and complete a blood-alcohol test
under section 7408, 7805, 7828 or 7860 within a 6-year
period, the fine may not be less than $300 $400 and the
person's motor vehicle driver's license, issued pursuant to
Title 29-A, chapter 11, must be suspended for a period of 90
days. Beginning July 1, 1990, the penalties provided in
this paragraph may not be suspended.

B. In the case of a person having no previous convictions
of a violation of section 7406, subsection 3; section 7801,
subsection 9; section 7827, subsection 9; or section 7857,
subsection 10 and having no previous adjudications of
failure to comply with the duty to submit to and complete a
blood-alcohol test under section 7805, 7828 or 7860 within a
6-year period, the fine may not be less than $300 and $500,
the sentence must include a period of incarceration of not
less than 48 hours, which and the person's motor vehicle
driver's license, issued pursuant to Title 29-A, chapter 11,
must be suspended for a period of 90 days.__These penalties
may not be suspended, when the person:

(1) Was tested as having a blood-alcohol level of
0.15% or more;

(2) Failed or refused to stop upon request or signal
of an officer in uniform, as defined in section 6953 or
7060, during the operation that resulted in prosecution
for operating under the influence or with a blood-
alcohol level of 0.08% or more; or

(3) Failed to submit to a chemical test to determine
that person's blood-alcohol level or drug
concentration, at the request of a law enforcement
officer on the occasion that resulted in the

C. In the case of a person having one previous conviction of a
violation of section 7406, subsection 3; section 7801, subsection
9; section 7827, subsection 9; or section 7857, subsection 10 or
one previous adjudication of failure to comply with the duty to
submit to and complete a

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