LD 304
pg. 1
LD 304 Title Page Resolve, to Establish the State Office Building Location Task Force Page 2 of 3
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LR 303
Item 1

Whereas, local, state and federal public agencies have
historically located their offices in service center communities;

Whereas, these offices have most often been located in the
traditional downtown areas of service center communities; and

Whereas, there is a growing tendency for public agencies to
shift locations of their offices away from downtown areas to
commercial strips and away from service centers to suburban
communities; and

Whereas, these relocations of public agency offices may have a
devastating impact on the economic and social vitality of a
downtown area or a service center community; and

Whereas, the Legislature has determined that these service
center communities not only are essential to the economic health
of the State but also can play important roles in the efficient
delivery of state, local and regional services; now, therefore,
be it

Sec. 1. Task force created. Resolved: That, because community service
centers in Maine are vital to job creation and the delivery of
critical services, the State Office Building Location Task Force,
referred to in this resolve as the "task force," is created to
assess the impact of state office buildings in downtown service
centers within regional service center communities and to
recommend ways to ensure continued location of state office
buildings within both those service communities and their
traditional downtown service centers; and be it further

Sec. 2. Membership. Resolved: That the task force consists of the
following 7 members:

1. Two members of the Senate appointed by the President of
the Senate;

2. Three members of the House of Representatives appointed by
the Speaker of the House; and

3. A representative of the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services, appointed by the Governor; and

4. A representative from a Federal Government department or
agency, appointed jointly by the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House; and be it further

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