LD 308
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Page 2 of 8 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the 118th Legislative Joint Select C... Page 4 of 8
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LR 237
Item 1

(b)__Commit the person to the Department of
Corrections for any portion of the sentence that
is more than 9 months.

Sec. 7. 17-A MRSA §1203, sub-§2-A, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 673, §2,
is amended to read:

2-A. In any prosecution for a crime committed prior to
September 23, 1983, the court may, with the consent of the
defendant, impose sentence under subsection 1 1-A.

Sec. 8. 17-A MRSA §1206, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 693, §4, is
amended to read:

9. Whenever a previously suspended sentence of imprisonment
for a Class A, Class B or Class C crime is vacated, in whole or
in part, as the result of a probation revocation, the court must
respecify the place of imprisonment for both the portion required
to be served and any remaining suspended portion, if necessary,
to carry out the intent of section 1203, subsection 1 1-A.

Sec. 9. 17-A MRSA c. 50 is enacted to read:



§1231.__Inclusion of period of supervised release after


1.__The court, in imposing a sentence of a term of
imprisonment that does not include probation for a violation of
section 253, may include as part of the sentence a requirement
that the defendant be placed on a period of supervised release
after imprisonment.__The period of supervised release commences
on the date the person is released from confinement pursuant to
section 1254.

2.__The authorized period of supervised release is:

A.__Any period of years for a person sentenced as a
dangerous sexual offender pursuant to section 1252,
subsection 4-B; and

B.__For a person not sentenced under section 1252,
subsection 4-B, a period not to exceed 10 years for a Class
A violation of section 253 and a period not to exceed 6
years for a Class B or Class C violation of section 253.

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