LD 308
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LR 237
Item 1

§1232.__Conditions of supervised release

If the court imposes a sentence that includes a period of
supervised release, it shall set conditions of supervised
release.__The conditions of release that apply to probation under
section 1204 apply to conditions of supervised release.__The
court may also set conditions of supervised release that it
determines to be reasonable and appropriate to manage the
person's behavior.

§1233.__Revocation procedures

The procedures, rights and responsibilities that apply to
probation revocation under sections 1205 to 1208, including bail
under section 1205, subsection 8 and appellate review of
revocation under section 1207, apply to revocation of supervised

Sec. 10. 17-A MRSA §1252, sub-§4-B is enacted to read:

4-B.__If the State pleads and proves that the defendant is a
dangerous sexual offender, the court, notwithstanding subsection
2, may set a definite period of imprisonment for any term of

A.__As used in this section, "dangerous sexual offender"
means a person who commits a new gross sexual assault after
having been convicted previously and sentenced for any of
the following:

(1)__Gross sexual assault, formerly denominated as
gross sexual misconduct;


(3)__Attempted murder accompanied by sexual assault;

(4)__Murder accompanied by sexual assault; or

(5)__Conduct substantially similar to a crime listed in
subparagraph (1), (2), (3) or (4) that is a crime under
the laws of the United States or any other state.

The date of sentencing is the date of the oral pronouncement
of the sentence by the trial court, even if an appeal is

B.__"Accompanied by sexual assault" as used with respect to
attempted murder, murder and crimes involving substantially
similar conduct in other jurisdictions is satisfied if the

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