LD 320
pg. 1
LD 320 Title Page An Act to Amend the Law regarding Reportable Motor Vehicle Accidents LD 320 Title Page
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LR 607
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §2251, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 683, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by Pt. B, §5, is amended to read:

1. Definition. As used in this section, "reportable
accident" means an accident on a public way or a place where
public traffic may reasonably be anticipated, resulting in bodily
injury or death to a person or apparent property damage of $500
$1,000 or more.


This bill increases the monetary amount of property damage for
which a motor vehicle accident must be reported from $500 to

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