LD 322
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the OUI Laws Related to License Suspensions LD 322 Title Page
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LR 258
Item 1

A.__Place a decal on the back windshield of the licensee's
motor vehicle.__The decal must:

(1)__Identify the licensee as a holder of an alcohol-
related work-restricted license;

(2)__List the addresses of the licensee's residence and
place of work;

(3)__Be clearly visible to other motorists and law
enforcement personnel; and

(4)__Be paid for by the licensee; and

B.__Sign a release that permits law enforcement personnel to
stop the licensee's motor vehicle without reasonable
suspicion and to subject the licensee to field sobriety and
chemical testing without probable cause.

For purposes of this subsection, "2nd-time OUI offenders" and
"3rd-time OUI offenders" mean those persons defined in section
2451, subsection 3, paragraph B or C, respectively.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill allows 2nd-time and 3rd-time OUI offenders to
receive work-restricted licenses upon a showing of need and that
those offenders have completed concrete steps in rehabilitation.
The bill requires 2nd-time and 3rd-time OUI offenders with work-
restricted licenses to display a decal visible to other motorists
and to submit to random stops and testing by law enforcement

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