LD 331
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Renewable Resource Portfolio Requirement for Competitive El... LD 331 Title Page
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LR 866
Item 1

retail customers in this State are accounted for by renewable
resources. By January 1, 1999, the commission shall provisionally
adopt rules establishing reasonable procedures for implementing
this requirement. Rules adopted under this subsection are major
substantive rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-


This bill amends the electric industry restructuring law with
respect to the renewable portfolio requirement for competitive

Current law requires each provider to have 30% of its
portfolio of supply sources for retail electricity sales in this
State accounted for by renewable resources. The law defines
renewable resources to be those resources that can be delivered
into the New England Power Pool.

This bill changes the definition of renewable resources to
require that the electricity generated be deliverable to Maine
consumers. It also changes the 30% portfolio standard to a
requirement that 30% of a provider's kilowatt-hours sales to
retail customers in this State be accounted for by renewable

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