LD 339
pg. 1
LD 339 Title Page An Act to Treat All Employees Equitably with Respect to Leaves of Absence for L... LD 339 Title Page
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LR 562
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §821, as amended by PL 1987, c. 402, Pt. A, §154,
is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§821. Person employed in position other than temporary

Any person, except a person covered under Title 20-A, section
13602, employed in a position other than a temporary position
must be granted a leave of absence by that person's employer to
fulfill the duties of a Legislator, as long as the person gives
written notice to the employer of the person's intent to become a
candidate for the Legislature within 10 days after taking action
under Title 21-A to place the person's name on a primary or
general election ballot.__Following the person's term of service
as a Legislator, the person, if still qualified to perform the
duties of the position from which the person was granted leave,
must be restored to the person's previous, or a similar, position
with the same status, pay and seniority.__The leave of absence
may, within the discretion of the employer, be with or without


Currently, any full-time employee who becomes a Legislator
must be given a leave of absence upon the request of that
employee. Except for teachers, the employer may limit the
person's leave to 2 years. Teachers are not limited.

This bill removes the time limit on the leave of absence that
must be granted by an employer upon request of an employee
fulfilling duties as a Legislator.

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