LD 345
pg. 1
LD 345 Title Page An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding the Taxation of Certain Automotive Parts ... LD 345 Title Page
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LR 484
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§25 is enacted to read:

25.__Automotive core.__"Automotive core" means a used
automobile part.

Sec. 2. 36 MRSA §1765, sub-§§8 and 9, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 402, Pt.
A, §180, are amended to read:

8. Livestock trailers. Livestock trailers, including horse
trailers; or

9. Camper trailers. Camper trailers.; or

Sec. 3. 36 MRSA §1765, sub-§10 is enacted to read:

10.__Automotive cores.__Automotive cores.

Sec. 4. 36 MRSA §2016 is enacted to read:

§2016.__Refund of sales tax on returned automotive cores

A person who purchases an automotive core and who subsequently
returns a used automotive core for rebuilding to the retailer for
credit against the sales price of the original automotive core is
entitled to a refund of a portion of the sales tax paid on the
original automotive core.__The amount of the refund is equal to
the amount that the sales tax would have been reduced if the used
automotive core had been traded in at the time of purchase of the
original automotive core.


This bill permits a sales tax trade-in credit or refund for
the amount allowed on a used automotive core traded in when
purchasing another automotive core or returned for credit after
the purchase.

LD 345 Title Page Top of Page LD 345 Title Page