LD 347
pg. 1
LD 347 Title Page An Act to Amend the Installment Payment Order Capability of the Disclosure Cour... LD 347 Title Page
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Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §3127, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Consideration of exempt sources.__For the purposes of this
subsection, "exempt source" means a source that is exempt from
attachment and execution under chapter 507, subchapter II,
article 7.__Notwithstanding the restriction on consideration of
exempt sources under subsection 1, the court may order the
judgment debtor to make specified installment payments to the
judgment creditor if:

A.__Upon a disclosure hearing, it is shown that the judgment
debtor is an individual who is receiving or will receive:

(1)__Insufficient money or earnings to permit the court
to order installment payments under subsection 1; and

(2)__Money or earnings from an exempt source that, but
for the fact that the money or earnings are exempt,
would, either alone or in combination with any money or
earnings considered under subsection 1, permit the
court to order installment payments under subsection 1;

B.__The maximum amount of earnings for any week subject to
an installment order under this subsection is the same as
that calculated under subsection 1.

In making an order under this subsection, the court may not order
the garnishment, withholding or attachment of money or earnings
from an exempt source.

Sec. 2. 14 MRSA §7486, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 88, §2, is


Under current law, a judgment debtor receiving money from
sources exempt from attachment and execution may not be ordered
to pay any of that money to judgment creditors even when that
money amounts to a large sum. This bill permits a court to order
installment payments where the money received is exempt from
attachment and execution and is, either alone or in combination
with nonexempt money, large enough in sum to fit within the
calculation that under current law permits an installment order.
The bill does not permit a court to order the garnishment,
withholding or attachment of any exempt money. The bill also
repeals a provision of current law that permitted a court in a
small claims action to order a judgment debtor to pay up to $15
per month if the debtor was shown not to be indigent.

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