LD 353
pg. 1
LD 353 Title Page An Act Regarding the Administration of Polygraph Tests to Prospective Law Enfor... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1258
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §7166, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 209, §2, is
amended to read:

§7166. Limitations on uses in employment

1. Preemployment screening. No An employer may not, directly
or indirectly, require, request or suggest that any an applicant
for employment submit to a polygraph examination as a condition
of obtaining employment, or administer or cause to be
administered to an applicant any such a polygraph examination, or
use or refer to the results of such an a polygraph examination
for hiring purposes. For purposes of this subsection, "employer"
shall include includes an employment agency and "applicant" shall
include any includes a person seeking to use an employment
agency's services.

2. Current employees. No An employer may not, directly or
indirectly, require, request or suggest that any an employee
submit to a polygraph examination as a condition of employment,
or administer or cause to be administered to any an employee any
such a polygraph examination, or use or refer to the results of
such an a polygraph examination for employment purposes.

3. Exceptions.

A. This section shall does not apply to employees of law
enforcement officers or applicants for employment with law
enforcement agencies as law enforcement officers;

B. Nothing in subsection 2 shall prohibit prohibits either
an employee from voluntarily requesting a polygraph
examination in connection with his the employee's employment
or an employer from using or referring to the results of any
an examination so requested, provided that the results of
that examination may not be used against the employee by the
employer for any purpose, that the employer shall give the
employee a copy of this Act when the employee requests the
examination, and that the examination is recorded or that a
witness of the employee's choice is present during the
examination, or both, as the employee requests.


The bill eliminates employees of or applicants for employment
with law enforcement agencies from the list of exceptions for
which employers may request polygraph tests. The

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