LD 377
pg. 1
LD 377 Title Page An Act to Facilitate Compliance with the Federal Communications Act of 1996 ... LD 377 Title Page
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LR 1464
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§80 is enacted to read:

80.__Digital broadcast equipment.__Sales of machinery or
equipment that enables a broadcast radio or television station to
originate, transmit and broadcast or to receive, transmit and
rebroadcast digital signals and that was purchased on or after
October 1, 1998 to facilitate compliance with the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 United States Code, Section
336 and the Federal Communications Commission rule, 47 Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 73.624, or any other law, regulation
or order mandating the broadcasting of over-the-air digital
signals.__This paragraph does not exempt any of the following:

A.__Machinery or equipment purchased to repair or replace
machinery or equipment for which an exemption was previously
claimed and taken under this paragraph; or

B.__Any machinery or equipment purchased after the broadcast
station has ceased analog broadcasting.


This bill exempts from sales and use tax the initial purchase
of equipment needed for digital over-the-air broadcasting. This
exemption would apply only to the initial capital investments for
digital broadcasting equipment, and would not apply to the
purchase of repair or replacement equipment or parts once the
transition to digital broadcasting has been completed.

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