LD 398
pg. 1
LD 398 Title Page An Act to Require the Revocation of Probation for a Person Convicted of Domesti... LD 398 Title Page
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LR 1437
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1205, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 502, Pt. F,
§13, is further amended to read:

1. If a probation officer has probable cause to believe that
a person on probation has violated a condition of that person's
probation, that officer may arrest the person or deliver a
summons to that person ordering that person to appear for a court
hearing on the alleged violation. If a probation officer has
probable cause to believe that a person on probation has violated
a condition of the probation requiring the person to attend a
certified batterers' intervention program, as described in Title
19-A, section 4014, the probation officer shall arrest the person
or request a law enforcement officer to arrest the person and
shall commence probation revocation proceedings. If the
probation officer can not, with due diligence, locate the person
in order to arrest the person or serve a summons on that person,
that officer shall file a written notice of this fact with the
court that placed the person on probation.


This bill requires probation officers to arrest and bring a
motion to revoke the probation of a person who violates a
condition of the person's probation requiring attendance in a
certified batterers' intervention program.

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