LD 407
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Reconcile Minor Technical Differences between Forest Practices Laws a... LD 407 Title Page
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LR 804
Item 1

E. The approximate dates the harvest will begin and finish;

F. The anticipated acreage to be harvested;

G. Whether the land is being harvested to convert to
another use within 2 years and, if so, what that use is to

H. The Unless exempted or modified by rule, the signatures
of the landowner or designated agent and the signature of
the harvester when listed on the form in accordance with
paragraph A and the licensed professional forester when
listed on the form in accordance with paragraph B;

I. A map locating the harvest site in relation to known or
easily identifiable terrain features, such as a road
junction or a stream and road junction. The map must be a
copy of a 7.5 or 15 minute series topographical map produced
by the United States Geological Survey or a map of
equivalent or superior detail in the location of roads; and

J. The date of notification.

When a landowner has a designated agent, the designated agent
must submit with the notification form a notarized statement of
agreement signed by the landowner and the designated agent or a
durable power of attorney shall sign a statement on the
notification that the designated agent has the authority to act
on behalf of the landowner to harvest forest products on the


The purpose of this bill is to clarify that a defined
separation zone does not have to be a minimum of 250 feet in
width if the property line is closer than 250 feet from the edge
of the clear-cut. The bill also clarifies that a landowner shall
notify the Bureau of Forestry within the Department of
Conservation of any harvesting operation unless that owner has
been exempted.

This bill also incorporates minor procedural changes and
inconsistencies identified during the rule-making proceedings of
the forest practices laws this year. These changes are needed to
make the laws fully functional and practical.

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