LD 409
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LR 499
Item 1

E.__The time period for which the person is eligible for

2.__Confidentiality.__Except as provided in subsection 1 and
chapter 24, an insurer may not provide additional health care
information to the Department of Human Services.

Sec. 3. 24-A MRSA §4224-B is enacted to read:

§4224-B.__Disclosures to Department of Human Services

1.__Required disclosures.__Upon request, a health maintenance
organization shall provide the Department of Human Services the
following information related to the total number of persons
eligible for health coverage under all policies, contracts and
certificates issued by the health maintenance organization in
this State:

A.__The name of the person eligible for coverage;

B.__The address of the person eligible for coverage; and

C.__The social security number of the person eligible for

D.__The date of birth of the person eligible for coverage;

E.__The time period for which the person is eligible for

2.__Confidentiality.__Except as provided in subsection 1 and
chapter 24, a health maintenance organization may not provide
additional health care information to the Department of Human


This bill requires nonprofit hospital and medical service
organizations, insurance companies and health maintenance
organizations providing health coverage in this State to provide
the names, addresses, social security numbers, dates of birth and
time periods of eligibility for coverage of all persons receiving
health coverage to the Department of Human Services upon request.
This information will allow the department to determine whether
recipients of Medicaid benefits are concurrently eligible for
private coverage from a nonprofit hospital and medical service
organization, insurance company or health maintenance

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