LD 417
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Reduce the Threshold at which the State Sales Tax is Automatically Re... LD 417 Title Page
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LR 1373
Item 1

paragraph January 1, 1999 to the Maine Rainy Day Fund until such
time as the tax imposed by this chapter is reduced.

If General Fund revenues for any fiscal year, as determined by
the State Controller at the close of the fiscal year following
the end of that fiscal year, exceed those of the previous fiscal
year by 8% 5% or more, on a base-to-base comparison excluding
one-time revenue gains and losses, the tax on the sale of those
tangible personal property and taxable services taxed at a rate
of 6% 5 1/2% on the effective date of this paragraph shall
January 1, 1999 must fall by 0.5% on the subsequent October 1st,
unless the Legislature takes action to prevent the reduction.

Rental or lease of an automobile for one year or more must be
taxed at the time of the lease or rental transaction at 6% 5 1/2%
of the following: the total monthly lease payment multiplied by
the number of payments in the lease or rental, the amount of
equity involved in any trade-in and the value of any cash down
payment. Collection and remittance of the tax is the
responsibility of the person that negotiates the lease
transaction with the lessee.


This bill changes the trigger for a 1/2% reduction in the
sales tax from an 8% increase in General Fund revenues on a base-
to-base comparison to 5% of General Fund revenues on a base-to-
base comparison. The bill also makes changes to reflect the
reduction of the sales tax from 6% to 5 1/2% on October 1, 1998.

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