LD 422
pg. 1
LD 422 Title Page An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding when A Merchant Must Remit Sales Tax LD 422 Title Page
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LR 1297
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §1952, as amended by PL 1981, c. 364, §27, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§1952. Payment of tax; interest

1.__Generally.__The taxes imposed by chapters 211 to 225 are
due and payable at the time of the sale or, in the case of tax on
rental for living quarters or rental of automobiles rented on a
short-term basis, at the time the rental is payable. Upon such
terms and conditions as the State Tax Assessor may prescribe,
payment may be postponed to a date not later than the date when
the sales so taxed are required to be reported. For cause, the
State Tax Assessor may abate all or any part of the taxes.

2.__Construction trades.__Notwithstanding subsection 1, taxes
imposed by this Part are due and payable for a person involved in
the construction trades at the time of receipt of payment for the
sale.__If the person involved in the construction trades receives
a partial payment for a sale, then the tax for that portion is
due upon receipt of the partial payment.__Any financing received
by a person involved in the construction trades in exchange for
the outstanding receipts or consideration from a sale including
assignment of the receivable or debt due, direct loan or any
other means is deemed payment for purposes of this subsection.__
In any event, taxes are due for a sale no later than 3 years
after delivery of the materials or service that are sold.__For
purposes of this section, a "person involved in the construction
trades" means a person authorized to file a lien on real property
pursuant to Title 10, section 3251.


In the construction trades, taxable materials and services are
often furnished on credit, with the supplier or service provider
not being paid immediately for the materials or service. Current
law requires, however, that taxes on such sales are due
immediately at the time of the sale rather than when the supplier
or provider is actually paid, causing hardship and cash flow
problems for the supplier or provider. This bill allows a
supplier or provider of taxable materials or services in the
construction trades to pay taxes when the supplier or provider is
actually paid for the taxable sale but no later than 3 years
after the sale.

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