LD 423
pg. 1
LD 423 Title Page An Act to Provide an Option for Employers to Pay Employees Biweekly LD 423 Title Page
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LR 311
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §621, as amended by PL 1995, c. 340, §1, is further
amended to read:

1. Certain employers; payment schedule. Every corporation,
person or partnership engaged in a manufacturing, mechanical,
mining, quarrying, mercantile, restaurant, hotel, summer camp,
beauty parlor, amusement, telegraph or telephone business; in any
of the building trades; in logging or lumbering operation; upon
public works or in the construction or repair of roads, bridges,
sewers, gas, water or electric light works, pipes or lines; every
incorporated express company or water company; and every steam
railroad company or corporation shall pay weekly each employee
engaged in its business the wages earned by the employee to
within 8 days of the date of that payment; every county shall so
pay every employee who is engaged in its business the wages or
salary earned by that employee, unless the employee requests in
writing to be paid in a different manner. Municipalities shall
pay their employees at least once every 2 weeks unless the
employee agrees to be paid under a less frequent pay schedule.
An employee who is absent from that employee's regular place of
employment at a time fixed for payment must be paid on demand.
An employer shall pay its employees at least once every 2 weeks.


This bill repeals the law that requires employers to pay their
employees weekly. The bill also gives an employer the option to
pay its employees on a biweekly basis.

LD 423 Title Page Top of Page LD 423 Title Page