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Page 24 of 63 An Act to Adopt the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act ... Page 26 of 63
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Subsections (b) and (c) [Me. cite subsections 2 and 3] clearly
State the relationship between jurisdiction under this Act and
other forms of jurisdiction. Personal jurisdiction over, or the
physical presence of, a parent or the child is neither necessary
nor required under this Act. In other words neither minimum
contacts nor service within the State is required for the court
to have jurisdiction to make a custody determination. Further,
the presence of minimum contacts or service within the State does
not confer jurisdiction to make a custody determination. Subject
to Section 204 [Me. cite section 1748], satisfaction of the
requirements of subsection (a) [Me. cite subsection 1] is

The requirements of this section, plus the notice and hearing
provisions of the Act, are all that is necessary to satisfy due
process. This Act, like the UCCJA and the PKPA is based on
Justice Frankfurter's concurrence in May v. Anderson, 345 U.S.
528 (1953). As pointed out by Professor Bodenheimer, the
reporter for the UCCJA, no "workable interstate custody law could
be built around [Justice] Burton's plurality opinion ... .
Bridgette Bodenheimer, The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction
Act: A Legislative Remedy for Children Caught in the Conflict of
Laws, 22 Vand.L.Rev. 1207,1233 (1969). It should also be noted
that since jurisdiction to make a child custody determination is
subject matter jurisdiction, an agreement of the parties to
confer jurisdiction on a court that would not otherwise have
jurisdiction under this Act is ineffective.

§1746.__Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction

1.__Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.__Except as otherwise
provided in section 1748, a court of this State that has made a
child custody determination consistent with section 1745 or 1747
has exclusive, continuing jurisdiction over the determination

A.__A court of this State determines that neither the child,
nor the child and one parent, nor the child and a person
acting as a parent have a significant connection with this
State and that substantial evidence is no longer available
in this State concerning the child's care, protection,
training and personal relationships; or

B.__A court of this State or a court of another state
determines that the child, the child's parents and any
person acting as a parent do not presently reside in this

2.__Modification without exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.__
A court of this State that has made a child

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