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Page 27 of 63 An Act to Adopt the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act ... Page 29 of 63
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recognizes that States may narrow the class of cases that would be
subject to exclusive, continuing jurisdiction. However, during the
transition from the UCCJA to this Act, some States may continue to
base continuing jurisdiction on the continued presence of a
contestant, such as a grandparent. The PKPA will require that such
decisions be enforced. The problem will disappear as States adopt
this Act to replace the UCCJA.

Jurisdiction attaches at the commencement of a proceeding. If
State A had jurisdiction under this section at the time a
modification proceeding was commenced there, it would not be lost
by all parties moving out of the State prior to the conclusion of
proceeding. State B would not have jurisdiction to hear a
modification unless State A decided that State B was more
appropriate under Section 207 [Me. cite section 1751].

Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction is not reestablished if,
after the child, the parents, and all persons acting as parents
leave the State, the non-custodial parent returns. As subsection
(b) [Me. cite subsection 2] provides, once a State has lost
exclusive, continuing jurisdiction, it can modify its own
determination only if it has jurisdiction under the standards of
Section 201 [Me. cite section 1745]. If another State acquires
exclusive continuing jurisdiction under this section, then its
orders cannot be modified even if this State has once again
become the home State of the child.

In accordance with the majority of UCCJA case law, the State
with exclusive, continuing jurisdiction may relinquish
jurisdiction when it determines that another State would be a
more convenient forum under the principles of Section 207 [Me.
cite section 1751].

§1747.__Jurisdiction to modify determination

Except as otherwise provided in section 1748, a court of this
State may not modify a child custody determination made by a
court of another state unless a court of this State has
jurisdiction to make an initial determination under section 1745,
subsection 1, paragraph A or B and:

1.__Jurisdiction of other state; more convenient forum.__The
court of the other state determines it no longer has exclusive,
continuing jurisdiction under section 1746 or that a court of
this State would be a more convenient forum under section 1751;

2.__Not residents of other state.__A court of this State or a
court of the other state determines that the child, the child's
parents and any person acting as a parent do not presently reside
in the other state.

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