LD 432
pg. 30
Page 29 of 63 An Act to Adopt the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act ... Page 31 of 63
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LR 316
Item 1

obtain an order from the state having jurisdiction under sections
1745 to 1747.__The order issued in this State remains in effect
until an order is obtained from the other state within the period
specified or the period expires.

4.__Communication with court in another state.__A court of
this State that has been asked to make a child custody
determination under this section, upon being informed that a
child custody proceeding has been commenced in, or a child
custody determination has been made by, a court of a state having
jurisdiction under sections 1745 to 1747, shall immediately
communicate with the other court.__A court of this State that is
exercising jurisdiction pursuant to sections 1745 to 1747, upon
being informed that a child custody proceeding has been commenced
in, or a child custody determination has been made by, a court of
another state under a statute similar to this section shall
immediately communicate with the court of that state to resolve
the emergency, protect the safety of the parties and the child
and determine a period for the duration of the temporary order.

Uniform Comment

The provisions of this section are an elaboration of what was
formerly Section 3(a)(3) of the UCCJA. It remains, as Professor
Bodenheimer's comments to that section noted, "an extraordinary
jurisdiction reserved for extraordinary circumstances."

This section codifies and clarifies several aspects of what
has become common practice in emergency jurisdiction cases under
the UCCJA and PKPA. First, a court may take jurisdiction to
protect the child even though it can claim neither home State nor
significant connection jurisdiction. Second, the duties of
States to recognize, enforce and not modify a custody
determination of another State do not take precedence over the
need to enter a temporary emergency order to protect the child.

Third, a custody determination made under the emergency
jurisdiction provisions of this section is a temporary order.
The purpose of the order is to protect the child until the State
that has jurisdiction under Sections 201-203 [Me. cite sections
1745 to 1747] enters an order.

Under certain circumstances, however, subsection (b) [Me. cite
subsection 2] provides that an emergency custody determination
may become a final custody determination. If there is no
existing custody determination, and no custody proceeding is
filed in a State with jurisdiction under Sections 201-203 [Me.
cite sections 1745 to 1747], an emergency custody determination
made under this
section becomes a final determination, if it so

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