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Page 40 of 63 An Act to Adopt the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act ... Page 42 of 63
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technical illegality or wrong is insufficient to trigger the
applicability of this section. This is particularly important in
cases involving domestic violence and child abuse. Domestic
violence victims should not be charged with unjustifiable conduct
for conduct that occurred in the process of fleeing domestic
violence, even if their conduct is technically illegal. Thus, if a
parent flees with a child to escape domestic violence and in the
process violates a joint custody decree, the case should not be
automatically dismissed under this section. An inquiry must be
made into whether the flight was justified under the circumstances
of the case. However, an abusive parent who seizes the child and
flees to another State to establish jurisdiction has engaged in
unjustifiable conduct and the new State must decline to exercise
jurisdiction under this section.

Subsection (b) [Me. cite subsection 2] authorizes the court to
fashion an appropriate remedy for the safety of the child and to
prevent a repetition of the unjustified conduct. Thus, it would
be appropriate for the court to notify the other parent and to
provide for foster care for the child until the child is returned
to the other parent. The court could also stay the proceeding
and require that a custody proceeding be instituted in another
State that would have jurisdiction under this Act. It should be
noted that the court is not making a forum non conveniens
analysis in this section. If the conduct is unjustifiable, it
must decline jurisdiction. It may, however, retain jurisdiction
until a custody proceeding is commenced in the appropriate
tribunal if such retention is necessary to prevent a repetition
of the wrongful conduct or to ensure the safety of the child.

The attorney's fee standard for this section is patterned
after the International Child Abduction Remedies Act, 42 U.S.C. §
11607(b)(3). The assessed costs and fees are to be paid to the
respondent who established that jurisdiction was based on
unjustifiable conduct.

§1753.__Information to be submitted to court

1.__Required information.__In a child custody proceeding, each
party, in its first pleading or in an attached affidavit, shall
give information, if reasonably ascertainable, under oath as to
the child's present address or whereabouts, the places where the
child has lived during the last 5 years and the names and present
addresses of the persons with whom the child has lived during
that period.__The pleading or affidavit must state whether the

A.__Has participated, as a party or witness or in any other
capacity, in any other proceeding concerning the custody of

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