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LR 316
Item 1

A.__A visitation schedule made by a court of another state;

B.__The visitation provisions of a child custody
determination of another state that does not provide for a
specific visitation schedule.

2.__Duration of order.__If a court of this State makes an
order under subsection 1, paragraph B, it shall specify in the
order a period that it considers adequate to allow the petitioner
to obtain an order from a court having jurisdiction under the
criteria specified in subchapter II.__The order remains in effect
until an order is obtained from the other court or the period

Uniform Comment

This section authorizes a court to issue a temporary order if
it is necessary to enforce visitation rights without violating
the rules on nonmodification contained in Section 303 [Me. cite
section 1763]. Therefore, if there is a visitation schedule
provided in the custody determination that was made in accordance
with Article 2 [Me. cite subchapter II], a court can issue an
order under this section implementing the schedule. An
implementing order may include make-up or substitute visitation.

A court may also issue a temporary order providing for
visitation if visitation was authorized in the custody
determination, but no specific schedule was included in the
custody determination. Such an order could include a
substitution of a specific visitation schedule for "reasonable
and seasonable."

However, a court may not, under subsection (a)(2) [Me. cite
subsection 1, paragraph B] provide for a permanent change in
visitation. Therefore, requests for a permanent change in the
visitation schedule must be addressed to the court with
exclusive, continuing jurisdiction under Section 202 [Me. cite
section 1746] or modification jurisdiction under Section 203 [Me.
cite section 1747]. As under Section 204 [Me. cite section 1748]
subsection (b) [Me. cite subsection 2] of this section requires
that the temporary visitation order stay in effect only long
enough to allow the person who obtained the order to obtain a
permanent modification in the State with appropriate jurisdiction
under Article 2 [Me. cite subchapter II].

§1765.__Registration of child custody determination

1.__Registration procedure.__A child custody determination
issued by a court of another state may be

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