LD 432
pg. 49
Page 48 of 63 An Act to Adopt the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act ... Page 50 of 63
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LR 316
Item 1

shall confirm the registered order unless the person contesting
registration establishes that:

A.__The issuing court did not have jurisdiction under
subchapter II;

B.__The child custody determination sought to be registered
has been vacated, stayed or modified by a court having
jurisdiction to do so under subchapter II; or

C.__The person contesting registration was entitled to
notice, but notice was not given in accordance with the
standards of section 1738, in the proceedings before the
court that issued the order for which registration is

5.__Confirmation of registration.__If a timely request for a
hearing to contest the validity of the registration is not made,
the registration is confirmed as a matter of law and the person
requesting registration and all persons served must be notified
of the confirmation.

6.__Further contest precluded.__Confirmation of a registered
order, whether by operation of law or after notice and hearing,
precludes further contest of the order with respect to any matter
that could have been asserted at the time of registration.

Uniform Comment

This remainder of this article provides enforcement mechanisms
for interstate child custody determinations.

This section authorizes a simple registration procedure that
can be used to predetermine the enforceability of a custody
determination. It parallels the process in UIFSA for the
registration of child support orders. It should be as much of an
aid to pro se litigants as the registration procedure of UIFSA.

A custody determination can be registered without any
accompanying request for enforcement. This may be of significant
assistance in international cases. For example, the custodial
parent under a foreign custody order can receive an advance
determination of whether that order would be recognized and
enforced before sending the child to the United States for
visitation. Article 26 of the 1996 Hague Convention on
Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition and Cooperation in
Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the
Protection of Children, 35 I.L.M. 1391 (1996), requires those
States which accede to the Convention to provide such a

§1766.__Enforcement of registered determination

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