LD 446
pg. 1
LD 446 Title Page An Act to Amend the Application Process for the Moose Lottery LD 446 Title Page
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LR 595
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7463-A, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1997, c. 24, Pt. I,
§3, is further amended to read:

6. Application procedure. Eligible persons wishing to apply
for a permit must file a written application for a permit on a
form furnished by the commissioner. The application must be
accompanied by an application fee of $5 for residents and $10 for
nonresidents and aliens. The application fee may not be
refunded. A person may not file more than one application. Any
person who submits more than one application is disqualified from
the selection of permittees. The application must be accompanied
by an application fee of:

A. For residents:

(1) Five dollars for a one-chance application;

(2) Ten dollars for a 3-chance application. A
resident must possess a valid big game hunting license
to be eligible to purchase a 3-chance application; and

(3) Twenty dollars for a 6-chance application. A
resident must possess a valid big game hunting license
to be eligible to purchase a 6-chance application; or

B. For nonresidents:

(1) Ten dollars for a one-chance application;

(2) Twenty dollars for a 3-chance application; and

(3) Thirty dollars for a 6-chance application.


This bill repeals the provisions of law that allow a person to
purchase more than one chance in the moose lottery.

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