LD 462
pg. 1
LD 462 Title Page An Act to Require That All Fines Collected by State Agencies Be Deposited in th... LD 462 Title Page
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LR 683
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §131, as amended by PL 1995, c. 502, Pt. E, §30, is
further amended to read:

§131. Departmental collections

Every department and agency of the State, whether located at
the Capitol or not, collecting or receiving public money, or
money from any source whatsoever, including all fines, penalties
and forfeitures, belonging to or for the use of the State, or for
the use of any state department or agency, shall pay the same
immediately into the State Treasury, without any deductions on
account of salaries, fees, costs, charges, expenses, refunds,
claims or demands of any description whatsoever. The Bureau of
Parks and Lands shall be is allowed to refund daily use and
camping fees based on the Bureau of Parks and Lands standard
refund policies. Any department or agency may shall deposit such
money to the credit of the State upon communicating with the
Treasurer of State and receiving from the Treasurer of State
instructions as to what state depository may be used for that
purpose and in every such case, the depositor shall send to the
Treasurer of State a statement of the deposits certified by the
bank receiving it. The Treasurer of State shall deposit into the
General Fund all public money received as fines, forfeitures and
penalties imposed and collected by every department and agency of
the State. This section shall does not apply to county or town


This bill requires the Treasurer of State to deposit all
fines, penalties and forfeitures received by all state
departments and agencies into the General Fund.

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